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Our technology department works to ensure that students and educators have access to equipment and electronic devices necessary to enrich the educational experience. We are here to serve the needs of the teachers, staff, and students at North Delta. 

At North Delta, we are committed to preparing our students with the experience and skills they will need for college and beyond. This is why we choose to use a multi-platform approach to technology, meaning that our students will use a wide variety of devices as they make their journey through North Delta School. This ensures our students technical training and experience will not be limited to a single market approach.

North Delta is guided by three main principles as it relates to the student use of individual technology:

  • North Delta is a multi-platform school.
  • North Delta believes that the student use of technology should be grade and age appropriate.
  • North Delta believes that parents should choose the device for their student's use in high school.


All high school students, ninth through twelfth graders, are required to have their own laptops for daily use in their instructional and testing processes. Please not that MacBooks are acceptable. Chromebooks or Netbooks are not acceptable.

Ensuring your son or daughter has an adequate device is very important as they transition to higher levels of learning. Before you buy, consider each device's price, battery life, processing speed (processor plus RAM), and software requirements. Look for these minimum specifications:

  • Processor: Intel i5 Dual Core, AMD E2/A4 Dual Core
  • RAM: Minimum 4GB
  • Screen: 11" or bigger
  • Battery: Minimum of five (5) hours
  • Operating System: Windows 10 / OS X 10.9 (or better)
  • Hard Drive: 128 GB SSD Recommended (or better)

Please note that while not “required,” a SSD (solid state drive) is less susceptible to failure than an HDD (hard drive disk) device. SSDs handle movement and bumps better and typically have faster processes, compared to more traditional HDD devices. However, they are more expensive.

We also recommend that you invest in a hard case that will protect the student's laptop while it is in his/her book bag. Please remind students to charge their devices at night so it will function at school.