Our after-school program provides North Delta families with preschool and elementary students additional opportunities for development and safe childcare. We provide students a safe, nurturing environment where they can complete homework and enjoy playing with their peers.
Registration begins the week before school starts. We accept students on a first-come, first-served basis and have staff available to answer questions during each of our student orientations and open houses.
Extended Care Fees
Extended care services are offered for students in K3 through 5th grade from 3:00 - 5:30 on Monday through Friday, except on school holidays.
Extended care fees are due the first of each month in advance of that month's services. Payments made after the 10th will be charged a 10% late fee.
Registration Fee: $50 per child
$150 per month
Drop-In Rate: $12 per day
*Repeated late pick-ups could result in additional fees.